by Dott. Giuseppe Sepe
1946 visualizzazioni
Lateral bone condensation with sentineri's expanders
implant in 2.3 was a delayed post-extractive in wich buccal cortex was totally absent. the sentineri's expander gained sufficient osteotomy to stabilize the implant, combined to implant site tips piezosurgery for the correction and finalization of the implant site dimensions
implant in 2.3 was a delayed post-extractive in wich buccal cortex was totally absent. the sentineri's expander gained sufficient osteotomy to stabilize the implant, combined to implant site tips piezosurgery for the correction and finalization of the implant site dimensions
TAG: piezosurgery-4-implants-sites-with-aid-of-sentiner
Dentista Abruzzo, L'Aquila
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Dentista Veneto, Treviso
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Dentista Emilia Romagna, Bologna
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Dentista Lazio, Roma
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